30 Apr

Does white noise put babies to sleep?

Hands up if this sounds familiar: Your fussy baby finally falls asleep for her afternoon nap and you sit down for a much needed moment to yourself only to hear a car with a broken muffler roaring down the street. Just like that, Sleeping Beauty is wide awake and mad – NOT a good...
30 Apr

Newsletter: Is Swaddling Good For My Baby’s Sleep

I get asked often, is a swaddle a prop? Is it useful? Where do you stand on a swaddle? Swaddling a newborn can be an excellent tool. It mimics the feeling of confinement that they experienced in the womb. It can be very comforting to a lot of newborns. I used a swaddle on...
30 Apr

Why won’t my baby sleep?

This is a question I often asked my son when he was an infant. I asked it in a sweet voice, I asked it in a pleading voice, I asked it in an angry voice, but no matter how many times I asked, he never gave me the answer. I can remember the night...
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